- Elisha Kasinskas
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- August 07, 2017

This article is the first of a series introducing each of the three in-plant panelists on the Print 17 panel I'll be moderating September 11th titled "In-Plant Panel: Bold Moves for the Future." The session features in-plant leaders in Healthcare, Higher Education and non-profit. In-plants need to make "bold moves" to survive and secure their future. Panelists will talk about one new service and one new initiative that each of them are working on or has deployed, sharing the risks and rewards, how these changes will increase workflow efficiency and grow the in-plant, and the impact of the new services and initiatives on their organizations.
Introducing: Amanda Bronowski, UPMC, Print 17 In-plant Panelist

Amanda Bronowski is the Print Center manager for the in-plant production operation at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), a $12.8 billion integrated global nonprofit health enterprise with over 20 hospitals, clinical locations and doctors' offices and 3.2 million-member health insurance division. A 15-year veteran of the printing industry, Bronowski has worked for a government in-plant, a commercial printer and a vendor. She holds a Bachelors of Applied Science (BASc) in Printing Management from RIT. The in-plant serves over 65,000 internal UPMC employees as well as the entire UPMC patient base, producing 14 million impressions per month on average, totaling over 168 million impressions annually. A staff of 22 produce transactional, marketing and patient education materials. The UPMC Print Center anticipates a significant production increase in the next year after doubling its production the two last years. Increased volume has been driven by growth in the size of the UPMC hospital system and an on-going effort to bring outsourced production in-house. Meeting the growth has been a challenge. The all-digital shop added an additional printer, operates a six day a week, two shift schedule and is almost at capacity.
Handling Growth Through New Technology, Workflow and Standardization
To meet the growth, Bronowksi has been researching and anticipates what she considers their next logical level for the operation- inkjet. Considering it a new service, she has been hard at work for months examining key projects that could be brought in-house and printed using an inkjet press (and pleased to learn they can use the equipment for more than transactional output), thoroughly reviewed and seen equipment in person, and is looking at the workflow changes a roll fed inkjet press will bring to the in-plant. Amanda plans to share key learnings from her inkjet journey in the Print 17 in-plant panel session. A new initiative the print center has undertaken to handle the growth is to standardize their new customer onboarding process. To ensure the highest cost savings to their parent organization, Bronowski and the pre-production team have a process they use when all new hospitals are acquired or a new department becomes a customer. After a thorough analysis of the print jobs, existing processes, etc. her team presents the findings and announces the new processes to use her print center. The team provides personalized training- delivered in-person, if needed- with a key element being their online Web to Print submission software. Bronowski notes, "By striving to keep more jobs in-house and standardizing, we are helping secure our future and creating a solid foundation for printing services to serve the hospital and our patients with the best cost and security. Even in an industry where there are things more important than printing taking place- literally life and death- we are able to show our relevance, efficiency, and that our support is better than an external provider could provide."
Register Today and Watch this Blog for Stories About Each Panelist
Watch RSA's "In-plant Insights" blog for in-depth stories in the coming weeks about panelists Laura Lockett of Sacramento State and The World Bank's Jimmy Vainstein. I'll share how they are making bold moves, information about their operations and the new services and initiatives each are undertaking to assure their longevity. These stories will offer a sneak peek at the valuable information that they will discuss in the session.

Watch the Full Session Now
See Amanda and other top in-plant leaders discuss their “bold moves” to survive and secure their future in this full session video.