- Elisha Kasinskas
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- June 20, 2013
How two top in-plants secured their future using workflow automation software to keep costs low and increase business. This In-Plant Graphics webinar, sponsored by RSA, features Ventura County, CA and MIT discussing how in-plants can leverage workflow automation software to secure their future by keeping costs low, facilitating customer savings, and adding services to remain relevant.

Many in-plants are finding that workflow automation software is the key to drive down costs, freeing staff for more important tasks and facilitating significant increases in business. In this webinar replay you'll hear from two in-plant managers who have experienced remarkable results after implementing web to print and workflow automation software.
In Ventura County California, RSA's WebCRD web to print and QDirect Output Manager have opened up 25 percent of the county's in-plant staff time to help their customers with projects, saving over 2,000 hours of case worker time in one project alone and over $100,000 annually. At the same time, the in-plant has invested its savings in new services, strengthening its position.
After challenges about the print center's future, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) invented a future for itself, meeting customer needs by installing new production color equipment and significantly upgrading their aging Web to print software. New capabilities, enhanced document submission customer experience, streamlined document management and higher quality output have increased the in-plant's customer base by 10%. This higher education in-plant sees continued increases in production color and associated revenues and is confident that it has secured a strong and relevant future at MIT.
Watch the replay to learn:
- How workflow automation can drive down your costs.
- How web to print can bring in new business and increase revenues.
- How you can leverage this efficiency to improve your in-plant and secure its future.
Watch now to learn how you can secure your in-plant's future with web to print and workflow automation.