- Rochester Software Associates
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- February 17, 2022
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about love—the love between you and your print shop and in-plant customers. The kind of love that leads to long-lasting relationships.

If you’re lucky, you already have customers that love you. If you’re really lucky, you have loving relationships with multiple customers. So, let’s set aside the bouquets of flowers, the boxes of candy, and your dinner reservations for now, and answer the question, “You know your customer loves you when…”
- They consistently discuss their long-term business goals and plans with you. This means they view you as a valuable partner, and a partner that can not only help them achieve their goals but provide guidance that can help them plan for the future of their business. Be alert to these opportunities because these will open the door for a discussion about any one of the RSA solutions that you sell that they might not be using yet.
- They tell others how great you are. In the spirit of Sally Field’s 1980 Oscar acceptance speech, “You like me, you really really like me!” that’s exactly what they are saying when they speak highly of you to other businesses who are looking for similar solutions that you currently provide to them.
- They tell you when they’re not happy with a product or solution but continue to do business with you anyway. Not every product or solution you sell will work as expected out of the gate. Sometimes tweaks and enhancements are necessary after the sale to work out the kinks. Like all software developers, that’s also why RSA consistently introduces new versions of its products. Customer feedback is important, and even more important is acting on and responding to that feedback in a positive manner. When you do that, customers will love you more.
- They share information with you about your competition. It’s not in anybody’s best interest to engage in negative selling, but it’s helpful to be aware of what your competitors are doing and how they are engaging with your customers. Is a competitor doing something your customer doesn’t like that you can learn from, so you don’t make that same mistake(s)? Are they selling a product or offering a value-add service that you do as well that you haven’t discussed lately with your customers? Use this information to fine-tune your sales approach and/or remind your customers about your services
- They feel appreciated. One of the reasons that customers switch brands or suppliers is because they feel unappreciated. This is common in industries with long sales cycles, according to an article in Keep showing them that you care, and they’ll be more likely to stick with you, your organization, and your products.
- They trust you. That’s because they know you want to do more than just sell them a product or service. Be a partner, a friend, and someone they can count on to steer them in the right direction because that’s what you’ve been doing all along. And if you falter, own up to your mistakes (See #3.). Despite what you may have read or heard elsewhere, sometimes love means having to say you’re sorry.
Cumulatively, these are great signs that your customer loves you. That love can lead to additional sales, customer loyalty, and the knowledge that you’ve got more than a friend in that organization. But remember, for love to last, you must remain committed to that relationship and consistently work at maintaining it.
Want More Ways for Customers to Love You?
If you want to know more ways for customers to love you, talk with your RSA Business Development Director. We have some of the longest lasting customer relationships in the industry powered by powerful workflow solutions that customers rave about.