Highlights of panelist comments, including key insights and advice.
Reducing or keeping costs low is a top priority for in-plants, yet for many, working on workflow is a lot like going to the dentist. These top In-plant print centers in healthcare, government and higher education share their perspective and when and how they work on workflow. Hear how they've overcome hurdles, the processes they use to improve workflow and their advice for other in-plants.

Eliminate Workflow Kinks
Floss your workflow with the white paper, "9AM Workflow Quiz." Assess the health of your production print workflow and identify where you can improve.
About this Presentation
Presented At: Print 2018
Moderators: Elisha Kasinskas (Rochester Software Associates)
Panelists: Lisa Stelter (Sanford Health), Mike Lincoln (State of Colorado), and Sherri Isbell (University of Oklahoma)